Saturday, January 25, 2014

Happy Birthday Baby Chase

My Baby is ONE, cant believe it. He has definitely changed a lot in the last few weeks as his personality has really come to life.  We ended up just having a quite little birthday celebration with just the 5 of us. : ) Topher and Cooper had fun picking out gifts for Chase and then wrapping them (Topher decorated his back with a spider and a spider web).  They also got to help frost and sprinkle the cupcakes. : )  It was fun just being together as a family.  The boys loved wearing party hats (which Topher picked out), blowing party favors, helping chase open his gifts, and eating messy chocolate cupcakes. It was great!!! Here are a few pics of this special night.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Christmas Cookies

I love traditions!!! Sometimes it can be challenging to keep up traditions with kids when they are little. : ) This year we decided to just focus on a couple so our kids wouldn't get over whelmed and so Mom wouldn't go crazy. Hahaha. Making and decorating sugar cookies is just one tradition we can't let go of. : ) The boys really got into it this year and we had a blast.

Nothing like cutting out cookies in your underwear. Hahaha. Cooper isn't to fond of clothes. : )

Ice Skating!!!

We went Ice Skating as a family (minus Chase Baby) the Monday before Christmas. We went to the Comcast Arena in Everett and had a BLAST!!! It was Tophers second time and Coopers first. Thank Goodness for the little blue skating helpers. Hahahaha. They were a life saver. It was so fun watching them. By the end Topher was skating (with the blue support) by himself and loved it. Cooper would just tuck his feet in the corner of the blue skating supports and we would just push him around. It was great because we could go as fast as we wanted. LOL!!! Here are a few pics of our fun night. : )